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How to Delete Administrator Account in Windows 10

Deleting an administrator account can be done in two ways. In Settings, go to Accounts > Family & other users, choose a user, then click Remove. In Control Panel, switch to Small Icons view then go to User Accounts > Manage another account. Select a user, click on Delete account, and then decide if you want to keep or delete the user’s files. Here’s how to delete an administrator account in Windows 10:

How to Delete an Administrator Account in Settings

  1. Click the Windows Start button. This button is located in the lower-left corner of your screen. It is shaped like the Windows logo.
  2. Click on Settings. This is the button that is shaped like a gear icon.
    Settings 1
  3. Then choose Accounts.
    Windows settings accounts
  4. Select Family & other users. You can find this in the left sidebar.
  5. Choose the admin account you want to delete.
  6. Click on Remove.
    How to remove admin user

    Note: The person using the admin account must first sign off from the computer. Otherwise, his account will not be removed yet.

  7. Finally, select Delete account and data. Clicking this will cause the user to lose all their data. So, it is advisable for the user to back up their files first.
How to Delete an Administrator Account in Settings

How to Delete an Administrator Account in Control Panel

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon in the lower-left corner.
  2. Type Control Panel into the Windows Search Bar.
    Windows search bar control panel
  3. Change the view to Small icons.
  4. Then click on User Accounts.
    user accounts windows control panel small icons
  5. Next, click Manage another account.
    manage another account windows user accounts
  6. Choose the user you would like to delete as admin.
  7. Click on the Delete the account link.
    delete a uer account
  8. Choose Delete Files or Keep Files. Selecting Keep Files will create a folder with the user’s files on the desktop.
How to Delete an Administrator Account in Control Panel

Now that you know how to delete an administrator account on Windows 10, check out our guide on how to change which user is an administrator.

Updated on February 2, 2023

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